I have been using Sublime Text for quite some time now and am an absolute fan of it. There is a very nice feature in it - open a folder . What it does is  that it gives you a list of all files in the folder in the package explorer pane. This makes it easy to select any file in the folder or editing, closing and reopening.

This is indeed very useful. But i thought of adding an alternative. Suppose, you are browsing through your projects and you stumble upon one of them and decide to work on it. It is painful(for me atleast) to open sublime text and then open in folder. What if there is an option present while browsing to open the folder in sublime ? Sounds cool.

So this link came to the rescue http://www.howtogeek.com/116807/how-to-easily-add-custom-right-click-options-to-ubuntus-file-manager/

Basically you need a tool called Nautilus Actions that you need to install by sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions. You then need to launch it and add a new action. Put a suitable name in Context Label (this is what will appear in the right click).  Then go to command tab and write subl in path and -a %F in parameters. subl is actually the command to launch sublime text from terminal . The -a argument adds folders to the current window and %F passes the name of the current dirctory to the command.

Then close nautilus and reopen it . Now when you right click on any folder, you will get the option to open it in sublime.