Post Jekyll Installation
I just finished up importing my blog articles from Google’s Blogger using the jekyl-import gem. The gem has to be installed separately since it provides functionality that is not needed as a core part of jekyll. The gem allows importing your blog articles from many different platforms like wordpress, durofy etc (and also blogger as mentioned above).
I initially used to blog on and I followed the instructions given on to import my posts as xml and then publish them on this new platform.
Everything worked out fine, the imported posts were now in my _posts folder , but wait! the owner is root. As mentioned in previous posts, its not advisable to use sudo to do trivial tasks like editing a file.
The soution to the problem is to simply change the owner of the folder by the following command.
‘sudo chown - - recursive rahul:rahul _posts’
(The - -recursive flag as expected will apply the changes to all the folders within the posts folder recursively.)
P.S: Don’t mind the extra space between the 2 dashes there, that’s what Markdown did :P