This post is about installing R and R Studio on Ubuntu.

First, fire up the terminal and the R source in the repository list sudo add-apt-repository

P.S is what I used. You can choose your faviourite from the list of alternate mirrors.

Now, this has been added to the list of sources from which ubuntu can download packages. But,it still does not know what all packages are available. So, you need to update the package listings. sudo apt-get update

Now, install R sudo apt-get install r-base

This will install command line utility for R. If what you need is just this, then you are done!! If you need a GUI too, you need to install R Studio.

So, go ahead and download it here I did it via console,once i got the package name correctly for my architecture. wget rstudio-0.98.1091-amd64.deb

Then install it sudo dpkg -i rstudio-0.98.1091-amd64.deb

and you are done!! search for R Studio and click, boom!!