Python Script To Download Question Papers
I just wrote a python script, using Beautiful Soup to download all question papers from my college server. (yes, the all has some exceptions now, but I will soon remove it). For the 3 years that I have been in my college, I have found that in every exam season, the server crashes because children (more than 10,000 in number) begin the downloading around the same time. We have alternatives, like DC++, but who would take the pain of downloading all files and sharing it on the hub?
So,I wrote the script, because I didn’t want to take the pain either, but still wanted to help the community. The script makes a very neat directory structure to store the question papers.
I had observed that upto the year 2007, a differet mode of storage was being used than after it. To be elaborate, upto 2007 it was Year->Department->Courses while after it, it was Year->Phase->Department->Courses
So, I have written 2 scripts to cater to the different needs. Ofcourse,they can be combined in to one.
I learnt a bunch of new things.
First, if you are behind a proxy and have configured your system to work with it, then you have 2 options for this script to work. Either use the dconf editor (yes, I work on Ubuntu) or use these lines:
proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({})
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support)
What this does is that, it creates a new Proxy Handler that will not use your default proxy settings. In fact, the proxy handler is set to access the internet without proxy.
Second, a very nice way to create directories (courtesy:SO)
if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
Also, regular Expressions, since I had to make neat directory names. This page really helped me a lot. Few things to keep in mind are that special characters loose their meaning inside ‘()’. Also if you need a regexp to match ‘(‘ or ‘)’ , you can escape it like this ‘\(‘
As earlier said, some question papers could not be downloaded because of encoding of directory names. I will update later.